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Islamic Sexlife
If you have even the slightest desire to have an illicit sex life, please do not read blogs on this web site. Because the methods mentioned in it are only for married couples and those who will get married, i.e. for every halal relationship. If you commit any haram by reading these blogs, you alone have to bear the burden of that sin.
On the Day of Resurrection, the lowest in status with Allah will be the one who lies with his wife and her wife lies with him; Then they reveal each other’s secrets to people.’
[Muslim, Hadith Number- 3615]
One of the many signs of Allah is that He has created women for you from among yourselves. The intention is that you will find joy and peace through them. In fact, Allah has inspired love and compassion between you.’
[Surah Ar-Rum, verse-21]
Some things people understand and learn with age. As a result, there is no need to teach it again. ‘Sex education’ is the same, but the West is currently presenting it in such a distorted way that it is destroying the younger generation. If this generation is not given ‘proper sex education’ now, then in the near future their sex lives, family ties will be destroyed. If you find out, you will find out that there is no family bond in Western countries at all!
The West is misleading the youth through the pornography-film industry. They are led astray by the trap of the blue picture. Sometimes the youth are choosing the path of sin. Faith is rising from their hearts. As a result, there is none of the peace that should be in the heart. Once they get frustrated and abandon their religious activities and drown themselves in the ocean of sin.
Watching pornographic videos, the youth are trying to match themselves with them, but they don’t realize that by cutting a ten hour video, they are making a one hour video. It is not possible to match real life with that fake or fake performance. Without understanding this simple fact, many young people are making themselves patients by thinking that they are weak compared to porn stars. As a result, many are afraid to get married.
The main problem for most of them is that they have made themselves patients by masturbating after watching pornographic videos or illegally satisfying their sexual needs. Now when it is time to get married or marry when not able to give proper time to wife. Then seeing darkness in the eyes, drowning in despair.
On the other hand, when many girls are going to meet their husbands with men from porn videos on banned sites, there is a problem. They are not getting their husbands with the special features of the hero of that film or his performance. As a result, they think the husband is weak, but his husband is completely healthy. Terrible incidents such as divorces have constantly occurred from these misconceptions.
Deadly misconceptions about sex are debunked by the ‘Islamic Sex Life’ blog site. Blogs bring up some things that you never knew before. As a result, the youth can lead a healthy and proper sex life without going astray. Request – No one should get involved in any sin by reading these blogs, it is entrusted to you. If you still commit a sin, then you are solely responsible for it.
We believe this blog site will benefit millions of people. Many divorced couples will be able to have a happy family again, many young men and women will return to the path of light by leaving terrible sins like pornographic videos, masturbation, those who think themselves sick for no reason – they will be aware and think themselves healthy, Insha’Allah.
May Allah bless everyone with a good life partner.
May Allah accept our work. amen